A Welcoming Post

Welcome everybody. I am eager to say that this is my very first official website where I will be updating all of you with some of my most exciting short stories and screenplays, as well as daily film appreciation blogs.

About Me:
Hello my name is Maria Bonita. As time progresses so do I, and like many I began to understand why certain things happen the way they did. I can’t exactly recall where the interest for movie began, but I do remember looking for old video footage my mom recorded.

I ended up finding all the cassettes in a hidden drawer behind some boxes. I viewed one home video with my family and it created different reactions. Itvwas then that I understood how a movong pictures can make an audience feel certain emotions. I would like to portray a story through writing and interpret it as writing for films. I frankly believe that filming is a wonderful process to depict life’s mysteries in the perspective of the eyes.

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